Michal Block

Director of Intelligence

Michal Block, a former Canadian Armed Forces Intelligence Operator, brings a wealth of tactical, operational, and strategic analytical experience to the team. Well-versed in the intelligence cycle and support for planning and operations involving ground and air assets, Michal has participated in numerous national-level missions, both domestic and abroad. Known for being a motivated team player, Michal is highly respected for speaking truth to power.

Michal was awarded the 2023 Open-Source Diversity Trailblazer of the Year award by the Osmosis Institute.

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Together, we can defend and protect victims of trafficking and ensure those who exploit them are held accountable. Our fight relies solely on the generosity of our donors. We cannot do it without your help.

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Partnerships with Law Enforcement agencies is one of our largest tasks. We are dedicated to providing assets and resources to work with, through, and by agencies looking to bring an end to sex trafficking.

Skull Games is a 501(C)(3) | EIN: 92-3817043
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